The Attitude of Christ
The Attitude of Christ
There are times that when I’m so busy that I’m oblivious to my surroundings or people around me. How many times have we been on our phones and just walk up to a door and open it for ourselves not realizing that there is someone behind us? We just open the door, walk through, and allow the door to slam into the person behind us. Or maybe we do notice but we are thinking of ourselves and the inconvenience that it would cause us to wait to the other person gets through the door. Or how many times we are in such a rush that we get to a grocery store and we don’t notice the mom struggling to get her kids in the car and her groceries?
We, humans, have a natural tendency to look out for “number one.” We don’t need to be reminded to look after our own interests. It comes naturally. However, how would the world look if every Christian took this challenge to heart:
Paul tells us in Philippians 2:3-5, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interest, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ had.” (NLT)
Looking out for the interests of others involves always keeping our eyes wide open and looking for opportunities that we can serve someone else or help them with their burdens. Jesus looked out for the interests of others by taking the very nature of a servant.
Also to look at the interests of others requires us to be humble, not to think too highly of ourselves. We need to be humble and not think that we are better than the other person because of their life choices or circumstances. We need to be humble so that we can see the opportunity to serve them and to love them.
So, this week, let’s keep our eyes wide open and look for opportunities to put others first, serve them, and make them feel loved and cared for! Let’s slow down and look for opportunities that normally pass us by!